December's ATC theme is "beautiful red". What could be redder than Rudolf's shiny nose? I adapted a woodcut that my grandfather did for his 1932 Christmas cards for this cut. He, however, used blue ink which made the piece feel colder, and the deer wasn't Rudolf. My dad had framed and hung that card for years in our house, and it was always one of my favorites.
Wow, Melissa, this is stunning, the effect is great, and the red paper is special too. Would you mind if I try cutting this one (for gift and/or my local ATC group), giving you the credit as the designer?
Ellen, I'm so glad that you like it. Thank you! Yes, you may use it for a gift or ATC. Thank you for asking. I wish I could take all the credit for the design. My grandfather was a great artist.
This is so gorgeous!
I wish I could get the hang of woodcuts. The look is so appealing to me. jan
I've been wanting to feature your work on my blog and link back to your's. Do you mind if I do? jan
Jan, I would be honored if you did so. Thanks!
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